Pictogramme durée - SUSTAINABLE NORMANDY 3 days and 2 nights
Pictogramme bus - SUSTAINABLE NORMANDY Bus
Pictogramme hébergement - SUSTAINABLE NORMANDY Accommodation : Youth hostel
Pictogramme thématique - SUSTAINABLE NORMANDY Thematic : History and tradition

Study of sustainable development with the discovery of the Normandy coast and the impact of waste on flora and fauna

Day 1 :

 - voyage scolaire en Europe


Departure from your establishment in England by comfortable coach

Lunch brought by the participants.

Arrival on the Normandy coast.


Discovery of a coastal area selected for its educational interest and its diversity of fauna, flora ...

Landscape approach of the site followed by a zoom on the "sea leash", a more or less wide band allowing the study of different natural components from the marine environment, the foreshore and the upper beach (sampling and simplified classification of species present alive or in wrecks, anecdotes to facilitate the discovery of this biodiversity, playful approach to this coastal environment).


Arrival at your accommodation.


Welcome by an agency manager from MCV

Dinner and overnight.

Day 2 :

 - voyage scolaire en Europe


Discovery of the dune: its birth, its evolution, its characteristic species, its functions ... a mix between a playful and scientific approach to a particular coastal area facing the vagaries of wind, drought, temperature variations, sea spray and salt.


Symbolic beach cleaning site to close these 2 sessions by highlighting the impact of man and his impact in terms of pollution, in particular by that easily identifiable and for which we can all act: macro waste (hence come, what impacts on our environment and what to do to limit this kind of pollution ...).


In the afternoon, Sand yachting activity (2 people per tank alternately). Duration 02 hours

Day 3 :

 - voyage scolaire en Europe



Birds: approaching coastal species using spotting scope type equipment, binoculars.

Discovery of this living world evolving without borders.


Picnic lunch

Departure to your country